Tax Service of RA
Here you can find
1. Tax Calendar for reports and payments
2. Bank accounts for tax payments/transfers
3. Tax Payer information by name or Tax Code
4. e-invoicing Download invoice generating application e-invoicing
5. Tax Audition shedule, developed by Tax Servises of RA
Website of Parlament of RA
Here you can find the Codes of RA, and their amendments.
Here you can find
Labour code, Civil Code, Code of Administrativ Procedures, Custom Code as well as many other usefull codes, аcts and decrees
Here you can find Government Decrees and by Prime Minister’s Decrees.
Electronic Register
Here you can submit on line applications for registration of legal entities, track your applications and search existing companies and purchase full information about any company. In order to use the system you will need to register.
National Statistical Service of the RA
Here you can find Legal forms for National Statistical Service of the RA and their guidelines.
Central Bank of Armenia
Here you cand find Exchange rates, Exchange rates Archives, Exchange Rates Calculator.