
Customs value
0.00 AMD
Customs duty
0.00 AMD
0.00 AMD
Customs fee
0.00 AMD
0.00 AMD
By customs value, we understand the amount paid or the amount to be paid for acquiring the goods and transporting them to RA.
For the import of goods, a customs value is defined, which is the basis for a number of other transactions. For example, calculation of customs fees, setting customs duties or VAT.
The customs value of goods imported into the Republic of Armenia consists of a number of components. The main component is the purchase price of the product, but there are other factors that affect the final customs value.
These factors include:
- Transportation costs to the RA border, including freight, loading and unloading costs, insurance and other related costs.
- Commissions and commission fees paid before the product reaches the RA border.
- Cost of packaging materials and labor.< /li>
It should be noted that some costs are not included in the customs value. For example, indirect taxes paid in the exporting country, as well as costs incurred in RA, such as handling costs or taxes and duties charged in RA.
The declarant or his authorized person determines and declares the value of the customs goods, and the customs authorities assess the accuracy of the presented value.
A number of conditions are necessary for the acceptance of the value declared by the customs authorities:
- Availability of documents confirming the acquisition of the goods.
- Sufficient information to adjust the price of the product.
- Absence of restrictions on the use of the product.
- Exclusion of nexus between the seller and the buyer, or if there is a nexus, it must be proved by sufficient facts that it is not affect the price.
customs clearance calculator
What documents are needed
It is important to calculate the customs value submit the following documents:
- For organizations and sole proprietors:
a) Customs declaration and, if necessary, declaration of customs value details (known as VAT).< /p>
b) Document confirming the purchase of the goods: invoice, contract or other equivalent document.
c) Document of transportation of the goods, for example, goods transport bill of lading (CMR or other bill of lading).
d) Non-tariff regulation documents: permits, licenses, certifications, conclusions, etc.
e) Acquisition of excise stamps for imported goods subject to excise tax and mandatory stamping the receipt and the report on the use of purchased excise stamps.
f) Documents confirming the fulfillment of customs fees or payment guarantees.
- For natural persons:
a) Customs declaration and, if necessary, declaration of customs value details (MAH).
b) Document confirming the purchase of goods: invoice, contract or other equivalent document :
c) Non-tariff regulation documents: permits, licenses, conclusions, certifications, etc.
d) Documents confirming the fulfillment of customs fees or payment guarantees.
Correct and timely submission of these documents can significantly speed up the customs clearance process and avoid possible problems.
customs clearance calculator
How to use the customs clearance calculator
In the Product price field, it is necessary to enter the price of the product to be cleared in the currency in which the contract will be concluded (including AMD , US dollars, Russian rubles, euros).
In the next field, you add the transportation costs for transporting the cargo from abroad to the RA border, including the loading and unloading costs, in the currency in which the contract will be signed (includes RA drams, US dollars, Russian rubles, euros).
In the cargo insurance field, all insurance costs related to the cargo must be added in the currency in which the contract will be signed (includes AMD, US dollars, Russian rubles, (euro).
Then, by filling in the gross weight of the cargo, which will be confirmed in the waybill (CMR or other), specifying the VAT rate (20% or 0%), the customs duty rate and pressing the calculate button, the calculator will automatically present you with the product the amount of fees arising as a result of importation, presenting separately the customs value of the product, the amount of customs duties, value added tax (VAT) and customs fees to be paid.